Monday, November 30, 2009

Does anyone have a list of symbols for MySpace? Like The star, hearts, stuf like that?

I know a few but i need more. I know the formula is: %26amp;_____;

Does anyone have a list of symbols for MySpace? Like The star, hearts, stuf like that?

Does anyone have a list of symbols for MySpace? Like The star, hearts, stuf like that?

google html myspace codes and voila %26lt;3

Does anyone have a list of symbols for MySpace? Like The star, hearts, stuf like that?

鈾?or %26amp;heart;

鈥?%26amp; trade ;

鈩?%26amp; trade ;


Does anyone have a list of symbols for MySpace? Like The star, hearts, stuf like that?

the heart is

%26amp; hearts ;

[w/o the spaces]

%26amp;%26amp; the star is


Does anyone have a list of symbols for MySpace? Like The star, hearts, stuf like that?

鈥? - 鈥? dagger

鈥?- 鈥? double dagger

鈾?- 鈾? black spade suit

鈾?- 鈾? black club suit

鈾?- 鈾? black heart suit

鈾?- 鈾?black diamond suit

鈥?- 鈥? overline (overscore)

鈫?- 鈫? leftward arrow

鈫?- 鈫? upward arrow

鈫?- 鈫? rightward arrow

鈫?- 鈫? downward arrow

鈩?- 鈩? trademark sign

Name Code Number Code Symbol Description

鈥?鈥?鈥? em dash

隆 隆 隆 inverted exclamation

垄 垄 垄 cent sign

拢 拢 拢 pound sterling

陇 陇 陇 general currency sign

楼 楼 楼 yen sign

娄 or %26amp;brkbar; 娄 娄 broken vertical bar

搂 搂 搂 section sign

篓 or %26amp;die; 篓 篓 umlaut

漏 漏 漏 copyright

陋 陋 陋 feminine ordinal

芦 芦 芦 left angle quote

卢 卢 卢 not sign

颅 颅 颅 soft hyphen

庐 庐 庐 registered trademark

炉 or %26amp;hibar; 炉 炉 macron accent

掳 掳 掳 degree sign

卤 卤 卤 plus or minus

虏 虏 虏 superscript two

鲁 鲁 鲁 superscript three

Name Code Number Code Symbol Description

麓 麓 麓 acute accent

碌 碌 碌 micro sign

露 露 露 paragraph sign

路 路 路 middle dot

赂 赂 赂 cedilla

鹿 鹿 鹿 superscript one

潞 潞 潞 masculine ordinal

禄 禄 禄 right angle quote

录 录 录 one-fourth

陆 陆 陆 one-half

戮 戮 戮 three-fourths

驴 驴 驴 inverted question mark

脌 脌 脌 uppercase A, grave accent

脕 脕 脕 uppercase A, acute accent

脗 脗 脗 uppercase A, circumflex accent

脙 脙 脙 uppercase A, tilde

脛 脛 脛 uppercase A, umlaut

脜 脜 脜 uppercase A, ring

脝 脝 脝 uppercase AE

脟 脟 脟 uppercase C, cedilla

Name Code Number Code Symbol Description

脠 脠 脠 uppercase E, grave accent

脡 脡 脡 uppercase E, acute accent

脢 脢 脢 uppercase E, circumflex accent

脣 脣 脣 uppercase E, umlaut

脤 脤 脤 uppercase I, grave accent

脥 脥 脥 uppercase I, acute accent

脦 脦 脦 uppercase I, circumflex accent

脧 脧 脧 uppercase I, umlaut

脨 脨 脨 uppercase Eth, Icelandic

脩 脩 脩 uppercase N, tilde

脪 脪 脪 uppercase O, grave accent

脫 脫 脫 uppercase O, acute accent

脭 脭 脭 uppercase O, circumflex accent

脮 脮 脮 uppercase O, tilde

脰 脰 脰 uppercase O, umlaut

脳 脳 脳 multiplication sign

脴 脴 脴 uppercase O, slash

脵 脵 脵 uppercase U, grave accent

脷 脷 脷 uppercase U, acute accent

脹 脹 脹 uppercase U, circumflex accent

Name Code Number Code Symbol Description

脺 脺 脺 uppercase U, umlaut

脻 脻 脻 uppercase Y, acute accent

脼 脼 脼 uppercase THORN, Icelandic

脽 脽 脽 lowercase sharps, German

脿 脿 脿 lowercase a, grave accent

谩 谩 谩 lowercase a, acute accent

芒 芒 芒 lowercase a, circumflex accent

茫 茫 茫 lowercase a, tilde

盲 盲 盲 lowercase a, umlaut

氓 氓 氓 lowercase a, ring

忙 忙 忙 lowercase ae

莽 莽 莽 lowercase c, cedilla

猫 猫 猫 lowercase e, grave accent

茅 茅 茅 lowercase e, acute accent

锚 锚 锚 lowercase e, circumflex accent

毛 毛 毛 lowercase e, umlaut

矛 矛 矛 lowercase i, grave accent

铆 铆 铆 lowercase i, acute accent

卯 卯 卯 lowercase i, circumflex accent

茂 茂 茂 lowercase i, umlaut

Name Code Number Code Symbol Description

冒 冒 冒 lowercase eth, Icelandic

帽 帽 帽 lowercase n, tilde

貌 貌 貌 lowercase o, grave accent

贸 贸 贸 lowercase o, acute accent

么 么 么 lowercase o, circumflex accent

玫 玫 玫 lowercase o, tilde

枚 枚 枚 lowercase o, umlaut

梅 梅 梅 division sign

酶 酶 酶 lowercase o, slash

霉 霉 霉 lowercase u, grave accent

煤 煤 煤 lowercase u, acute accent

没 没 没 lowercase u, circumflex accent

眉 眉 眉 lowercase u, umlaut

媒 媒 媒 lowercase y, acute accent

镁 镁 镁 lowercase thorn, Icelandic

每 每 每 lowercase y, umlaut

Does anyone have a list of symbols for MySpace? Like The star, hearts, stuf like that?



Does anyone have a list of symbols for MySpace? Like The star, hearts, stuf like that?

This page has a huge long list of all of the alt codes:


Does anyone have a list of symbols for MySpace? Like The star, hearts, stuf like that?

%26lt;a href=" target="new"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" border="0" alt="glitter graphics"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;a href=" target="new"%26gt;Free Glitter Graphics%26lt;/a%26gt;

Does anyone have a list of symbols for MySpace? Like The star, hearts, stuf like that?

go to

Does anyone have a list of symbols for MySpace? Like The star, hearts, stuf like that?

the heart is 鈾?which is the and symbol on the number seven. then the word heart. then the semi colon.

and then i think if you want stars...and whatever else you just put %26amp;star;

the same thing just whatever symbol you want.

hope this helps :)

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