Saturday, November 28, 2009

How do i get rid of my star-sign on myspace?

I'm not some star worshiper I'm Christan

How do i get rid of my star-sign on myspace?

Psh. It's not a star worship, it's an astrological sign. You have one whether you display it or not. It's like saying "I don't have a birthday" because it's based off your birthday, so you'll just have to take out the part where you enter your birthday.

EDIT: Just some background: Everyone has a "star sign" or zodiac sign based on the day they were born. You have a Chinese Zodiac animal as well. It doesn't mean you're Chinese. You also have an assigned Buddha and color because of what day of the week you were born on, and that doesn't mean you're Buddhist. It's just something about you. But if it really bothers you, like I said, delete your birthday.

EDIT2: Well, you basically have to enter a birthday. So I guess you're stuck being a star worshipper. If it makes you happy, you could just change the birthday, but you'll just have a different "star sign." I suppose the only thing left to do is delete your myspace or pray for forgiveness.

EDIT3: "Edit Profile" and then "Basic Info".

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