Sunday, December 6, 2009

Myspace cheating!!!!!!?

So my boyfriend and I are on myspace. He has a lot of porn star looking friends that he claims he doesnt know but they live in our area. He is always logged on it, but never has any new comments on his page. I'm not quite sure what he's looking at or who is talking to privately. He and I have had our share of problems and I guess I don't trust him. So yesterday I made a fake profile of a random hot girl and sent him a message. Hook, line and sinker, he responded and after a couple messages back and forth, he was already giving his phone # and telling her about where he lived and said he was "down for whatever" and "good company is hard to find". I called him and let him know that I was his mystery girl. He freaked, then called back and said he knew it was me the whole time. There's no way he could have known. I made the page pretty legit looking. Maybe it was crazy of me, but I proved myself right, i guess. Any opinions?

Myspace cheating!!!!!!?

I have a friend who did the same thing.Good job!!!:)

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