plz give me a website if u kno
Myspace star and music note special character for myspace?
鈾櫕露 鈹?脙 | 鈹€ 鈻?鈽?鈽?鈾?莽 脴 鈾?鈾?鈾?鈾€ 鈾?鈾?鈾?莽
just copy a paste them where you want them
Myspace star and music note special character for myspace?
here are a couple of sites..the first doesn't have the star..also if you dont find what you're looking for here google "html special characters" and you should find something that will be helpful..
also if you play around with key combinations, holding down the alt key and then typing in numbers (only on the number pad, not above the letters), you will get diff symbols, for example, alt+3 wil give you 鈾?and alt+1 will give you 鈽?.alt+156 will give you 拢 and alt+21 will five yo 搂, alt+13 gives you 鈾?and alt+14 is 鈾?..there are many things you can get with an alt key and a number can also get to most by html codes...anyways good luck..hope this helped =D
Myspace star and music note special character for myspace?
I luv dem 1zsee if uz likz dem too....
a 冒 氓 脜 脗 陋 脛 脕 脌 茫 脙 A
b 脽(3 B
c 脟 莽 漏 垄 C
d 冒脨 D
e 毛 茅 锚 猫 铆 鈧?拢 脣 脡 脢 脠 E
f 茠 F
g G h 碌 H }{
i | | 茂 铆 卯 矛 隆 娄 脧 脥 脦 脤 I
j 驴 J
k |{ |%26lt; K
l 拢驴 L
m (v) M
n 帽 脩 N
o 酶脴潞 掳 陇 脮 () O
p 镁 脼 P
q 露 Q
r 庐 R
s 搂$ S
t ~|~ 炉|炉 T
u 眉 煤 没 霉 碌 |_| 脺 脷 脹 脵 U
v V
w W \\v//
x 脳 X
y 每 楼 Y
z Z
忙 脝 艗 庐 漏 鈩? 驴 ? 陆 录 戮
卢 篓 炉 路 芦 禄 鹿 虏 鲁 鈥?鈥?
镁 脼 陇 搂 卤 梅 娄
(炉`路._.路[ (screen name) ]路._.路麓炉)
篓掳o.O (screen name) O.o掳
脳梅路.路麓炉`路)禄 (screen name) 芦(路麓炉`路.路梅脳
路 路路^v麓炉`脳) (screen name) (脳麓炉`v^路路 路
,.-~*'篓炉篓'*路~-.赂-(_ (screen name) _)-,.-~*'篓炉篓'*路~-.赂
- - --^[ (screen name) ]^-- - -
鈥⒙?路麓炉`路.路鈥?(screen name) 鈥⒙?路麓炉`路.路鈥?
`路.赂赂.路麓麓炉`路路._.路 (screen name) `路.赂赂.路麓麓炉`路路._.路
(炉`路._) (screen name) (炉`路._)
炉篓'*路~-.赂赂,.-~*' (screen name) 炉篓'*路~-.赂赂,.-~*'
O潞掳鈥樎?(screen name) 篓鈥樎奥篛
脳潞掳鈥澦渀鈥澛奥好?(screen name) 脳潞掳鈥澦渀鈥澛奥好?
.路麓炉`路-%26gt; (screen name) %26lt;-路麓炉`路.
%26lt;潞))))%26gt;%26lt;.路麓炉`路. (screen name) 赂.路麓炉`路.赂%26gt;%26lt;((((潞%26gt;
- -陇--^] (screen name) [^--陇- -
~虏潞潞虏~ (screen name) ~虏潞潞鲁~
._|.%26lt;(+_+)%26gt;.|_. (screen name) ._|.%26lt;(+_+)%26gt;.|_.
..|..%26lt;(+_ (screen name) _+%26gt;..|..
-路=禄鈥÷?路- (screen name) -路=禄鈥÷?路-
鈥⒙皁.O (screen name) O.o掳鈥?
鈥撯€撯€撯€撯€?-鈥?(screen name) 鈥?)鈥⑩€撯€撯€撯€?
(炉`鈥⒙嘎仿绰? (screen name) (炉`路赂鈥⒙绰?
路路陇(`脳[陇 (screen name) 陇]脳麓)陇路路
鈥?鈥⒙访穂 (screen name) ]梅路鈥?鈥?
路茂隆梅隆茂路 (screen name) 路茂隆梅隆茂路
路!娄[路 (screen name) 路]娄!路
掳潞陇酶,赂赂,酶陇潞掳`掳潞陇酶,赂 (screen name) 掳潞陇酶,赂赂,酶陇潞掳`掳潞陇酶,赂
;)掳篓篓掳潞"掳篓篓掳(*)(_.路麓炉`路芦陇掳 (screen name) 掳陇禄路麓炉`路._)(*)掳篓篓掳潞"掳篓篓掳;)
禄-(炉`v麓炉)-禄 (screen name) 禄-(炉`v麓炉)-禄
掳l||l掳 (screen name) 掳l||l掳
鈥⒙奥?(炉`掳(F)( (screen name) )(F)掳麓炉)*陇掳鈥?
鈥斅っ?`[陇* (screen name) *陇]麓)梅陇鈥?
赂.麓)(`路[ (screen name) ]路麓)(` .赂
路梅卤鈥÷?(screen name) 卤鈥÷泵?
+*篓^篓*+ (screen name) +*篓^篓*+
%26amp;crazed monkey
Myspace star and music note special character for myspace?
dude jus' copy and paste.. it works but make sure u preview it cause sometimes it changes on you.. but thats only once ina while.
Myspace star and music note special character for myspace?
type the code all together, no spaces
%26amp; trade ; - 鈩? trademark sign
%26amp;# 9774 ; peace sign
%26amp; #9834 ; 鈾? musical note
%26amp; #9835; 鈾?br> %26amp;# 9792 ; = 鈾€
%26amp;# 9794 ; = 鈾?br> %26amp; #9733 ; solid star
%26amp; #9734 ; star outline
%26amp; #9786 ; 鈽?br> %26amp; #9787 ; 鈽?br> %26amp; spades ; - 鈾? black spade suit
%26amp; clubs ; - 鈾? black club suit
%26amp; hearts ; - 鈾? black heart suit
%26amp; diams ; 鈾? black diamond
Also this is a cool site...
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